Today was a very eye opening experience for our team. We helped build a bathroom and dig a very large hole for the church in Los Montones. They desperately needed this bathroom as they were using an outhouse before hand. We also handed out food to those in that village. A moment that stuck out to me while we were passing out food was the extremely nice lady we met. While we were handing her food, it began to downpour on us. Without hesitation she invited us into her home to give us shelter from the rain. She also gave us coffee and lawn chairs to sit in while we waited out the rain. It’s been eye opening to see how welcoming and friendly the people of the Dominican have been to us. Regardless of the living conditions these people are in, they will still welcome anyone with open arms. I feel extremely blessed to have been able to go on this trip and make the memories that I’ve made!
Johnny Sweeney, #32
USC Upstate
First Base