Thursday – July 7 – Ben Roberts

July 7, 2022

Over the last 10 days I have had one of the best experiences of my life. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to come down to the Dominican Republic with this group of guys. Truly a trip I will never forget. I could go on and on about the countless amazing moments throughout the trip, but I’ll keep it short. On July 7th we got the opportunity to finish the bathroom we were building for the village church. I remember when we began the construction thinking that there was no chance we could finish. When the final brick was placed and the last pick axe swing had happened a great wave of happiness came over me. Just two days of our hard work will have such a huge impact on the community. Although the day in the hole was tough, having some of my best friends around made it much better. Also, knowing that we were digging for a good purpose helped push us through the hard times. This trip had so many bright spots but that feeling that came over me when the bathroom was complete is something I won’t forget. I’m so thankful for the people I’ve met, and the opportunities I’ve gotten this summer!

Ben Roberts, #27
USC Upstate


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