Monday – July 4 – Justin Stewart

July 4, 2022

This is my second trip down here with Kingsmen baseball. Last year was my first year with the team, 7th time overall. Each time I come down to this country it truly is life changing. It is one place that never gets old or boring. Today we went to boca de chavon to play a game against the village team. I have to say it was the most fun I have ever had play the sport. Music playing in the background, smiles everywhere, and communication between the our team and their team even though there was a language barrier. We had one thing in common, the love for the game. After that we went to the boys orphanage. Last year was the first time I was there and when I got there this year, a lot of the same kids were there and recognized me immediately. After only two hours there last year, and being gone for a whole year, I can’t ever explain that feeling of them running up screaming they remember me. Truly is a life changing experience every second you get here, and I ain’t ever going to stop coming to help these amazing people.

Justin Stewart, #8
California University of PA

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