July 21 – Gavin Troyer

July 22, 2023

“This summer started off as sort of a bummer for me because I got injured the first game that we played. But, as the summer went on I have realized that me taking a backseat from baseball has been a good thing for me. Getting my mind off baseball was essential for my spiritual growth and keeping my focus on what really mattered. For the longest time, I have put my identity in baseball and something that I kept hearing Coach Hudak say while he was ministering to some of the Dominican teams we played was that baseball doesn’t last forever but your relationship with Christ does. I’m thankful that I got to hear that because it gave me peace for my situation, knowing that my happiness doesn’t come from an earthly thing like baseball. Instead, it comes from the joy that Christ fulfills us with when we follow Him is an uplifting thing to be reminded of. This has been the best summer I have ever had and I am thankful to have spent it with this awesome group of people.”

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