Friday – July 8 – Chas DeBruhl

July 8, 2022

Today we went to Quisqueya and played against a village team on a field that Alfonso Soriano helped fund which was a really cool experience. They played us really tough and they had a short stop that was only 14 years old and he was very talented and able to hang with us which was awesome to see. After that we went to Emanuel House, which is a school for challenged kids and was also helped built by Alfonso and named after his mother. This really touched me because these teachers weren’t blessed with what we have here and they were still giving everything they had to be able to teach these kids. Finally we finished the day by going around one of the local villages and handing out food and praying over families in need. This whole trip has been very humbling for me because it has helped me realize just how much we take for granted because we are truly blessed. I am walking away from this trip more appreciative for what I have and what I am able to do in life.

Chas DeBruhl, #24
Francis Marion

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