Saturday – July 9 – Julian Parson

July 9, 2022

This trip to the Dominican Republic has been a very different, enjoyable and eye opening experience. Everyday is a different adventure where I am able to see things that I have never seen before. Earlier in the week, seeing these rural villages was eye opening to me. Some of the living situations that I saw in those villages impacted me emotionally and made me think about how fortunate I am to have grown up in Canada and now live in the United States.

Today July 9th, we visited a girls orphanage in La Romana. As soon as we entered the compound, dozens of girls ranging from toddlers to teenagers, came running towards us. Almost each girl hugging, embracing or high-fiving a Kingsmen player. When I first entered, I was met by a young girl around 12 years old who stayed alongside me the whole day. We started off by seeing a tour of the complex followed by everyone playing kickball which seems to be the most popular game played among these girls. It was amazing seeing how much fun they were having and how much excitement they had throughout the day.

Everyday I have observed that there are always children playing games and having fun, either by themselves or with friends, and have a huge smile on their face. In spite of their living situations or their family situations, there is always a smile and a positive attitude.

Julian Parson, #18
USC Upstate

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