Sunday – July 10 – Lane McLevain

July 10, 2022

This trip to the Dominican Republic has truly been eye opening. The opportunity to visit villages in need and help them in a multitude ways. We would pass out food, play with the kids, or even help build something. My favorite part about this trip by far has been interacting with the people and playing with the kids. I remember at the village of El Penon, we walked through the village for a little bit and ended up at this large open area of grass which was their baseball field. I never imagined I would have so much fun with a bunch of random kids on a lot of grass in my life. After seeing the conditions these kids grow up in and how happy they still are is incredible. Some of them would give their only glove to one of us to use and they would use their hands to catch the ball. I feel like that alone shows how amazing the people are down here. They have so little and yet they’re still so willing to share and give. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to come on this trip. #ItsNotThePlaceItsThePeople

Lane McLevain, #20
Lyon College


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