July 17, 2021

Well, our 2021 life-changing trip to the DR is over. We touched down at the Charlotte-Douglas Airport yesterday at 5:11. On one hand, it was so good to be home! It was great to see loved ones and friends, and to have Chick-fil-A and McDonald’s. On the hand, we already miss Kike and Kelli, and all of our new friends.
We are only home for 3 days. On Monday, we hop on another plane and head “North to Alaska”! What a differences in weather! We are going from 90 humid degrees to daily highs of 65. It will be another first for most of our guys. We will play 8 games in 14 days, and try to fit in some sightseeing in the far north.
The Lord took such great care of us in the DR. Despite playing 5 games, visiting 2 orphanages, going to 8 sugar cane villages, going to the city of Higuey, and going to the marketplace in the capital of Santo Domingo, all 19 of us tested negative for Covid on Monday and made the flight home on Thursday.
On the ball field, we went 4-0-1. We beat the NY Mets Dominican Summer Professional team 3-0 and tied the St. Louis Cardinals Dominican Summer Professional team 7-7. We beat 2 private academies who were very good 7-3 and 5-2, and beat a good team from a sugar cane village 15-12. All in all, it was the best competition we have played in my 13 trips to the Dominican.
Off the field, it was an amazing trip for the 15 players, 2 coaches, 1 wife, and 1 son. We all came away changed by the people that we met and the places that we visited.
I had a player do a player blog each day of the trip. They are amazing to read. They can tell you about the trip far better than I can. You can read them by clicking on the “2021 DR Player Blogs” button at the top of our website, or by clicking the instagram link below. I believe you will be blessed by reading them.
You can read the player blogs and see all the photos by clicking on the links below:
Facebook Page: Piedmont Kingsmen Baseball
Instagram: @thepiedmontpridebaseball
Picture Gallery Link:
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