Friday – July 16 – Justin Stewart

July 16, 2021

Justin Stewart, Catcher
California University of Pennsylvania

This is my third time here visiting the Dominican Republic and each time I come I have learned something new. It is my first trip with the Pride baseball team and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of guys to come with. This experience has been one to never forget. We did a lot and visited a lot of villages which is my personal favorite thing to do here. Seeing these people and the way they are so genuinely happy with what they have is a blessing. The relationships you can build with every kid in the village is especially special because their smiles are so pure. They are so happy to just be around us and play with what they have. It has made me extremely grateful for what I have at home and makes me want to do as much as I can at all times regardless of my situation. Every person I have come in contact with in the DR has been the nicest person and has made a huge impact on me. During this trip I have grown in all facets of my life including spiritually, socially, and culturally and I will do anything to continue to come back and give to these special people. I have enjoyed playing baseball and helping those in need along with spreading the word of God through others. Thank you to my family, friends I’ve gained on this trip, and the coaches who had given me this opportunity of a lifetime!

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