Dominican Republic Blog-Day 10- Andrew Judkins, Outfielder, The Citadel

July 23, 2019

The last day waking up in the Dominican was a sad day. Easily it was one of the best weeks of my life. We woke up, had a great breakfast, and then got on the bus to head to our game. We arrived around 10 am and at a field with many people waiting on us. When we got off the bus everyone wanted to talk to us and really were excited that we were there. We played a game and in between every inning something was going on. Whether it was eating fruit from the village or playing with little kids, it was a great game. The mayor of the town was there and from there we went with him to a restaurant. We ate some great food and got to spend time with some wonderful people. After lunch was wrapped up, we went and delivered food to a new village. The stories of the people in the village were very humbling. This food brought the biggest smiles to the people. We toured the village and it was an amazing experience. Once we got back to Casa de Campo, we had dinner and our nightly bible study. This was a tough day knowing we were leaving the next morning but I can say it was a week that I’ll remember forever.

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