Dominican Republic Blog-Day 5- Ethan Martinez, Pitcher USC-Lancaster

July 13, 2019

The Dominican trip was a real life changing and great experience for me. Seeing the way the people lived made me realize how great of a life I have in America. Seeing the local kids and how happy and excited they were to see us was a good feeling. Doing something as simple as carrying them and making them just light up. It also made me light up seeing how happy they were. Then at the baseball games seeing the conditions they played and still how talented they are. They also would not complain at all about the field, if they had a bad hop or made an error they would just smile and keep having fun. It really helped me realize that baseball is just a game. The trip also helped me realize that I hitting is a lot harder than I remember and I need to stick to pitching. Having five at bats and three strikeouts is not an impressive stat line. Going to give food to people and praying for something was actually very special for me too. The impact we made on those peoples life with just ten dollars worth of food and prayer was fantastic. In America most people wouldn’t even consider that helping them. At one of the villages I have an Apple Watch and one kid was so fascinated by it. He was just sitting down and tapping it watching the pictures change. He was just fascinated by it. That’s something I take for granted the pictures I always have at my disposal. A majority of the people there will never get to chance to relive memories. It was also a good time to bond with some players that you normally don’t get the chance to. The off day and being able to go to the beach was a good thing too. For the first time being out of the country, and seeing how beautiful God made those beaches makes me honestly speechless. As a whole the trip was a positive experience and it was something I’d gladly do again.


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