July 11 – Tyler Baker

July 11, 2023

Today we went to the girls orphanage. It was an experience like no other. I came on this trip a couple years ago with coach Hudak and that was by far my favorite thing we did. Round 2 this year for me was even better. We started off by letting them give us a tour of the orphanage, we got to see what their living situation is like and what they do on a normal day. It was so cool that some of the girls remembered me! These girls come from all types of backgrounds but they share the same love for the Lord that we do. It’s always a blessing being able to go visit them. Per usual, they wanted to play a big kickball game. The kickball game was absolute chaos, go ahead and throw any rules out the window and just be ready to do what the girls say. The only reason we stopped playing kickball was because the girls wanted shift gears and show us how to play volleyball (they are very good). Coach was able to give them money so that could buy uniforms to compete this year, they were so thankful. While we were playing volleyball the girls started handpicking some guys with longer hair and moving them over to the seating area so that they could braid the boys hair. They really enjoy braiding our hair and we had such a good time letting them do it. It’s crazy how fast time flys when we are spending it with them. These girls come from rough backgrounds, some of them have been in the orphanage for over 10 years. But you would have no clue, the amount of joy these girls have is contagious. They have endless energy and no worries what so ever about the hot sun beating down on us. It really makes me take a step back and realize how grateful I am to have the life I have. Things I complain about or get upset over at home are nothing compared to what these girls face each day. We go there wanting to make a difference, and we do, but the difference they make for me in my life is much greater. I learn to appreciate everything I have, the good days and the bad days, because my bad days are nothing compared to what these young ladies have overcome. It truly is a blessing being able to go there and just let God take over and be present in the moment. Yeah these girls will remember us but I wish I could explain to them how much of an impact they make in our lives. I will remember the girls and this day for the rest of my life.

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