Monday, July 5 – Andrew Terrell

July 5, 2021

Andrew Terrell, Outfielder/Pitcher
Appalachian State University

First off, I would like to thank my family and everyone who supported me so I could make this trip happen. Without them I wouldn’t be able to grow in my faith and see how thankful we all are in the United States. So far I have seen things that not many people get to see in their lifetime. Things that have changed me personally and spiritually. In the short time I’ve been here, God has already moved in me so much. From the daily devotions as a team to traveling all around the Dominican Republic. These experiences have opened my eyes to how great our God is and how much he has blessed me through my entire life. One highlight of my trip so far has been going to the girls orphanage. Being able to see how they live and do daily things is life changing. We were able to spend time with them that consisted of playing kickball, braiding our hair, and most importantly making friends. Those girls loved having us there and definitely didn’t want us to leave. Another part of this trip that has brought me closer to God is the amount of time we spend reading his word. The next step for me as a Christian is to learn more about Him and the only way I can do that is reading the Bible. It’s such a nice reminder of how much God loves us and cares for all of us. In my opinion, baseball is only a small part of why we’re here. God has brought us here for much more than to play 3 or 4 games. He has brought us here to get closer with Him. As we continue through this next week of discipleship I can’t wait to see how God moves in me even more and makes our friendship even stronger. Lastly, I would like to thank Coach Hudak, Lincoln, Kiké, house helpers, and my teammates for making this trip something I will never forget, while ultimately become a better person in my faith because of their commitment for loving Jesus Christ.

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