July 19 – Paul Colombo

July 24, 2024

Before coming down to the Dominican Republic, I was super nervous and unsure of what the trip would be like. Now that I have been here for ten days, this trip has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life! It has been truly life changing. Being able to see the culture, the living circumstances, taste the food, and interact with all the kind and welcoming people has been very impactful. I have come to realize how fortunate we are in the United States. Most importantly, I was able to see Christ much differently than I had ever seen him before.
My most memorable moment was visiting the boy’s orphanage. There, a baby approached me and opened his arms to me. I picked him up and carried him around for a while. When I sat down he began to fall asleep, so I laid down with him on my chest and shut my eyes as well. That short moment showed me how precious everyone is.

I also enjoyed spending time with all my teammates and people we have met along the way. During and after games we got to talk with the opposing players and coaches. Regardless of our language barrier, we were able to converse, laugh, share experiences, and discuss Christ.
This trip has brought me closer to Jesus and opened my eyes to how truly fortunate we are in the United States. We have food on our tables, roofs over our heads, and baseballs to throw around; so many small things that we take for granted. People in the Dominican Republic do not always have those luxuries. I am happy that I was able to come on the trip, play baseball, and most importantly, recommit and get closer with Christ. It has been a very humbling and unforgettable trip.

Paul Colombo
Anderson University

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