November 17, 2021

It was 5 years ago this month, November of 2016, that I knew it was time. The Lord had been nudging me and then pushing me, and I finally said ok. With 2 kids in college and a 10th grader, I quit my job with FCA and started a brand new non-profit baseball ministry called PRIDE BASEBALL – now KINGSMEN BASEBALL.

I can’t believe it has already been 5 years. They say time flies when you’re having fun, and I can tell you it has FLOWN! More importantly, it has been an amazing 5 years! I know that sometimes numbers are boring, but I thought you might enjoy some Kingsmen numbers for the past five years.

* 9 mission trips to the Dominican Republic

* 1 mission trip to Alaska

* 113 different Kingsmen players impacted for Christ

* 113 different Kingsmen players from 17 different states and 47 different colleges

* 162 Kingsmen team Bible studies

* 39 different Kingsmen team church services attended

* 5 Kingsmen first-time commitments to Christ

* 32 Kingsmen recommitments to Christ

* 1 Kingsmen player baptized

* Countless other Kingsmen players who grew in their personal relationship to Christ

* 184 games played in US ( 135W-49L)

* 21 games played in the Dominican Republic (19W-1L-1T)

* 24928 miles flown

* 106 bags of food given to needy DR families

* 22 bags of baseball equipment given to DR youth baseball teams

* 22 visits to Dominican orphanages and schools

* 21 visits to Dominican sugar cane villages

* 600 Spanish Bibles given away

* 1535 Dominican baseball players heard the Gospel after our games and clinics

These numbers are staggering, especially those that are in bold. They are the reason we exist. The first point in our Kingsmen Mission Statement is “TO USE THE GREAT GAME OF BASEBALL TO HELP YOUNG MEN GROW IN THEIR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST”. Imagine the ripple effect as these young men go back to their campuses and home towns and families! The final point in our mission statement is “TO USE THE GREAT GAME OF BASEBALL TO HELP YOUNG MEN DEVELOP INTO MEN OF CHARACTER AND INTEGRITY”. Imagine how playing for the Kingsmen is helping mold these young men into the husbands, fathers, employees, and leaders that they will be!

I am so excited for the future of Kingsmen Baseball. In fact, the summer of 2022 promises to be another fantastic, life-changing one as we travel for the first time to EUROPE!!! We will spend 10 days in the city of Prague in the Czech Republic and 14 days back in the Dominican Republic. I will be sharing more about next summer soon.
I must close by saying absolutely none of this would be happening without the amazing support from our financial partners. As a faith-financed ministry that must raise every penny that we spend, we can only do what we do because of what our financial and prayer partners do for us. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making this


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