Dominican Republic Blog-Day 4- Dawson Price, Infielder, North Greenville University

July 8, 2019

Since we have been here in the Dominican Republic, we have gone out and done so many different things and seen so many different people. We went to El Peñon which is a sugar cane village and played with the children and walked to the houses of people in need and prayed for them together as a family. We have gone and played baseball in San Pedro which was a huge eye opener to me because I never truly understood how important baseball is to Dominicans until that day. We have also gone to Emmanuel House which is a school for children that is funded by Alfonso Soriano, which I find very cool. Then we went out into the community around this school and gave away food bags to families in need and prayed for them. All of these things have been incredible experiences and each one has changed my out look on life but there are two things in particular that have really stuck with me. First was the baseball game in San Pedro. It absolutely blows my mind how dedicated these guys are to the game. The field barely had any grass and was covered in rocks. It had no dugout, no fence, no lines, and just some throw down bases but these guys show up everyday and play all day long and don’t complain one time. This game is a way of life to them because it’s in there blood and it’s their way off the island. The second thing that really stuck with me was the children and how happy they are even though they have nothing and how excited they are to see us and ride on our shoulders. The second we stepped off the bus, the kids just swarm to us and follow us all around the villages. I have truly enjoyed this trip and know I will continue to enjoy it while I’m here and I have made memories that will last me a life time.- Dawson Price

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