July 21 – Nick George

July 21 – Nick George

“We are home after another amazing trip to the Dominican Republic! This was my second trip to the Dominican, and it was no less life changing than before. When you go on this trip, you see people with nothing talk about how blessed they are and happy for...
July 20 – Aidan Bisbano

July 20 – Aidan Bisbano

“This trip has meant everything to me, and I am extremely thankful to be a part of it. Since being in the Dominican Republic, I have gotten a lot closer to Christ through the mission work we have done. I enjoyed playing ball with the players down here because of...
July 20 – Troy Bachman

July 20 – Troy Bachman

I have learned a lot this summer and have had a blast. Coming into the summer I never knew that I would become a Christian but that changed and I became a Christian on July 19th. Playing the game that I love with the best people around me has been a lot of fun. Going...
July 19 – Paul Colombo

July 19 – Paul Colombo

Before coming down to the Dominican Republic, I was super nervous and unsure of what the trip would be like. Now that I have been here for ten days, this trip has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life! It has been truly life changing. Being able to see...
July 19 – Will O’Shields

July 19 – Will O’Shields

This trip to the Dominican Republic has been life changing. Seeing the things that we’ve seen and how the people live is something that makes me think a lot about my life back home and how grateful I am for everything I’ve ever gotten. Today we visited Alemon. We...
July 18 – Matthew Makowski

July 18 – Matthew Makowski

The trip to the Dominican Republic has impacted me in ways I didn’t think were possible. Going into this trip my main goal and expectation was to tell the wonderful people here about the name of Jesus. And to be the vessel God has called me to be (2 Timothy 2:21) to...

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