July 21 – Bryce Frederick

July 21 – Bryce Frederick

Through prayer, actions, and the words of the Dominican people, my biggest takeaway from this trip is to take the time to say thank you.  The gratefulness, joy, and generosity of the people on this island are truly inspiring. I first want to thank the Lord for making...

July 21 – Gavin Troyer

July 21 – Gavin Troyer

“This summer started off as sort of a bummer for me because I got injured the first game that we played. But, as the summer went on I have realized that me taking a backseat from baseball has been a good thing for me. Getting my mind off baseball was essential for my...

July 20 – Jack Austin

July 20 – Jack Austin

”Today we played a baseball game and then went to a very good seafood place. The team we faced was very talented, featuring a blend of players of all ages. The starting pitcher pitched in the bigs last year and was electric. Also, their infielders were probably 13 but...

July 20 – Nick George

July 20 – Nick George

Coming on this trip to the Dominican Republic has been such an amazing experience. We have done a lot of things in our time here like pass out food bags to villages, visit the boys and girls orphanages, paint Kike’s church, play good baseball, and most importantly...

July 19 – Caleb Cox

July 19 – Caleb Cox

This trip to the Dominican Republic has been just an unforgettable experience. My expectations for the trip were blown out of the water once i was able to see their way of living. Today we played a team no one knew anything about and I believe they were the best team...

July 18 – Darrien Whitaker

July 18 – Darrien Whitaker

This is my first trip to the Dominican Republic and so far has been on of the greatest experiences of my life. Just being here and interacting with everyone who calls the Dominican Republic home is such an eye opening and humbling experience. Today we spent time in...

July 18 – Camden Troyer

July 18 – Camden Troyer

This is my first trip to a foreign country and I am extremely thankful for this experience so far. Being able to bless people with food and see how happy the kids at the orphanages were when we played with them showed me that we are meant to show the love of Christ to...

Kingsmen Win 2023 Season Finale Over San Rafael del Yuma, 9-6

Kingsmen Win 2023 Season Finale Over San Rafael del Yuma, 9-6

On Wednesday morning, the Kingsmen traveled to San Rafael del Yuma for their final game of the 2023 summer season. It’s been a long summer of baseball and missionary work––especially on this year’s trip to the Dominican Republic––and with one final game, the Kingsmen...

July 17 – Michael Gracer

July 17 – Michael Gracer

This trip to the Dominican Republic has been like nothing I have ever experienced before. The first week of this trip has simply been amazing. Today we played a game against Cesar Baseball Academy and it was really cool because the girls from the niñas de Cristo...

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