MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Position Interested In:(Required)
Max. file size: 512 MB.

Spiritual Information

Again as an intern, you are not required to be a believer. Simply our expectation is that you are open to, interested in, or committed to furthering our mission for Christ.
How would you rate where you are in your relationship with Jesus Christ today?

Staff Gear

For female interns, the sizes will reflect in women's


You will need 2 references (1 professional and 1 pastor/mentor).





Emergency Contact


Team Policy Acknowledgement

There are certain expectations that interns agree to comply with during the entire time you are with the Pride. 1) Abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use 2) Abstaining from sexual immorality 3) Representing Christ in a respectful and appropriate manner, both through language and attitude 4) Agreeing to participate in all team functions, including bible studies and community outreach opportunities
I hereby agree to follow the team’s purpose and policy if selected to intern for the Kingsmen Baseball Ministry.(Required)

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