July 18 – Matthew Makowski

July 23, 2024

The trip to the Dominican Republic has impacted me in ways I didn’t think were possible. Going into this trip my main goal and expectation was to tell the wonderful people here about the name of Jesus. And to be the vessel God has called me to be (2 Timothy 2:21) to help grow his Kingdom. To show them what Jesus has done for me and how he can change their lives forever. Little did I know the more time I spent here and the more moments I shared with the people here the more they affected my life. I never could have imagined the impact of witnessing how joyful and cheery they are here regardless of some of the situations they are in has made me reflect on my own life and my attitude towards life. It’s helped me realize how blessed I am and has completely changed my outlook on life. Wherever we have gone whether it’s an orphanage, school, church, or village the pure happiness on a little kid’s face or even the adult’s just because of my presence touches my heart in ways I can’t even explain. It also has been amazing to see not only what God has been doing here through us to everyone we encounter here, but to see the work God has been doing in some of my teammates’ lives. Hearing the testimonies and the life-changing decisions being made here to follow Christ has been so moving and has shown me the power of God. The talks and conversations I’ve had with some of the guys wanting to learn more and wanting to start living for him have been a blessing to be a part of. It’s been extremely special to be surrounded by a group that loves the Lord and isn’t ashamed to share what Jesus has done for them. Overall this trip has been a life-changing experience and I am extremely blessed to have been able to be a part of it. I cannot wait to see what else God has in store for us here for the remainder of our trip.

Matthew Makowski
Belmont Abbey College
Middle Infield

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